This theory rests heavily on the philosophy of motivation. Study English at Goshen College. Bass, critique example essay, B. They were cunning and they knew their own minds, they had stirred up plenty of trouble in their day, they were sure to be plotting something again critique. Therefore, it can be mentioned that increase in physical exercise may help in enhance the whole energy expenditure. If the outcome makes them feel bad in any way, they can search for any proof that would discredit it and, thus, make them critique example essay better. What effect did this help the author achieve?
Poetry Analysis Essay Template
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: LeadershipTheoryLeadercritique example essay, EffectiveManagementCritique example essayEthicsInfluence. Leadership endures relevance in virtually every field critique example essay life, and it cannot be overstated in the business world, critique example essay. The success and failure of every firm or organization rest on its leadership, critique example essay. This immense importance of leadership has garnered many interests around it for years, and this explains exhaustive researches in various fields and disciplines such as management, psychology, sociology, political science, educational and public administration Yukl, Due to its importance and immense relevance, a lot of theories have been proposed which attempt to describe leadership based on several schools of thoughts.
Each theory attempts to shed light on some basic characteristics of leadership. Undeniably, the theories on leadership align with the five big ideas on leadership as pointed out by Allio which include good leaders have good character, there is no best way to lead and leaders must collaborate, adaptability makes longevity possible, leaders are self-made. These all parameters can be dubbed in the doctrine of effective leadership to some extent and of course, they are well buttressed in leadership theories, critique example essay. This essay delineates some important leadership theories and concepts to aid our understanding on effective leadership, critique example essay.
There is no single acceptable definition for leadership. The exact meaning of leadership has been long debated on by researchers. In fact, Stogdill was right in opining that the definitions of leadership are almost equal to the number of people who attempt to define it. Thus, it would be very easy to find definitions based on some important concepts such as influence over followers, influence on task goals, individual traits, interaction patterns, leader behavior, follower perspectives, influence on organizational culture and so forth Yukl, A careful scrutiny of the definitions of leadership will reveal its relationship with influence. However, critique example essay, this does not write-off leadership as critique example essay process of social influence, even though the social influence is included in leadership because leadership in itself is much more encompassing.
Furthermore, there is a hot debate on the relationship between leadership and management, critique example essay. Some schools of thoughts assert that leadership and management are qualitatively different and even mutually exclusive whereas some others assume that leadership and management are the same. Irrespective of the various ideologies and schools of thoughts on leadership, there are some generally held concepts of leadership. For instance, the immense power held and wielded by leaders is an interesting subject quite apparent to all.
Moreover, the ethics in leadership is another interesting field of leadership that seems to garner a lot of attention among researchers and theorists. Leadership is generally held responsible to promote ethical conducts in the organization. This distinguishes ethical leaders from unethical leaders. Theories and leadership experts have propounded several theories on leadership. Some of these theories fall into various categories including transformational and charismatic approach, trait, situation, power and influence, behavior and so forth. Obviously, leadership actions, activities can be best understood by examining them in the light of some of these useful theories, critique example essay, but this does not imply critique example essay every theory would tally with one's experiences on leadership.
Most theories on leadership are being improved upon by theorists in order to tend towards greater effectiveness, and indeed effective leaders must be able to learn, unlearn and likewise relearn to maintain effectiveness as times and trends change. Furthermore, this theory also attempts to clarify the factors and conditions under which a charismatic leader would function effectively. According to the theory, a charismatic leader is critique example essay by how the followers perceive him. However, to be perceived as a charismatic leader, a leader must possess certain traits including high self-confidence, a strong need for power and strong convictions.
This also reckonings well with the Conger and Kanugo Charismatic Theory, which pointed out certain traits of a charismatic leader such as making self-sacrifices and risking the personal loss of money, status or membership; acting in an unconventional way to achieve a given vision, self-confidence and so forth. The leader should also be able to express confidence in the ability of the followers to build their self-confidence and likewise build the commitment of the critique example essay by coming up with a vision that defines the task Yukl, As a matter of fact, the demeanor of charismatic leaders should be such that it would arouse the motives of followers for the task. Evidently, it is possible to have all or most of the characteristics of a charismatic leader mentioned above but still not be magnetized by most of the associated subordinates.
Moreover, a charismatic leader is described as a leader who influences the followers. In other words, this is possible for a charismatic leader not to be authentic. Apparently, a charismatic leader too often than not reproduces subordinates that are charismatic or poised at achieving a goal. A leader is by no means a custodian of all knowledge. His knowledge level might be higher than those of his subordinates in some given fields, but usually, a leader has a lot to learn from his followers. This is why critique example essay Burn's Theory of Transforming Leadership is a more appropriate theory as it describes leadership as a process of changing critique example essay in which leaders influence followers.
Moreover, critique example essay, another aspect of transformational or charismatic leadership that is often questioned is morality. Obviously, transformational leadership must draw its life from morality. Charismatic leadership theory as proposed by House does not really move the serious motion on morality. It seems to be salient on the issues of morality and ethics. In general, charisma is essentially useful and relevant for effectiveness in leadership, but charismatic leadership theory does not simply bring in everything in leadership. Leader-environment-follower-interaction theory abbreviated as LEFI is another interesting leadership theory that stems from the situational leadership approach proposed by Wofford.
The LEFI theory assumes that the performance of the subordinates of a leader is based on four mediating variables which include the ability to do the work, perceiving the role clearly and appropriately, task motivation and the presence or absence of environmental constraints. Moreover, the theory suggests that a leader could influence the performance of his subordinates simply by influencing and modifying these variables, critique example essay. Moreover, the deficiencies in these variables could often be accessed by leveraging the diagnostic behaviors, and these deficiencies can be corrected by making the most of the corrective behaviors Livingston, ; Yukl, The theory also suggests the use of improved selection procedures as an avenue for avoiding faults in the abilities of the subordinates.
The deficiencies could also be avoided by redesigning the job in such a way as to match the skills of the subordinates critique example essay also increasing the training. More so, effective leaders can ensure optimal level of subordinate motivation by selecting subordinates with a high need for achievement, providing the right feedback and encouragement and setting specific but challenging goals. The subordinates could also be further motivated using incentives, competition, participation, communication, job redesign and so forth. Tools like guideline, feedback, formalization, instruction and so forth can also be used by effective leaders to achieve role accuracy and clarity and constraints in the work environment can be dealt with by reorganizing the work, refashioning the technology, critique example essay, removing physical constraints and providing resources.
This theory suggests that the intervening variables coupled with factors like the traits of the leader and situational variables. Critique example essay wonderful as this theory sounds, it has been criticized on the basis of its complexity. Yukl, critique example essay, also clearly indicated that the complexity of this theory makes it quite difficult to test more than a small part of it at a time, critique example essay. This theory rests heavily on the philosophy of motivation. It stresses the importance of motivation as a primary driver of leadership. Here leadership is defined regarding motivation while keeping some other leadership characteristics silent.
However, the theory has strong parameters especially as it relates to working hand in hand with the followers to ensure success in a venture. It observes the feedback process as a way of discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals and also giving suggestions on how to improve the weakness with an ultimate goal of aligning the workplace behavior with the overall goals of an organization or a team. This theory can be best viewed by examining its four compartments namely the leader, the environment, critique example essay follower and the interaction. Obviously, these four vital components define an effective leadership and must be carefully considered. Usually, the environment is not given appropriate consideration by most critique example essay when it comes to effectiveness in leadership, but no effective leadership occurs in an unfavorable environment.
As a matter of fact, the environment must have to be tailored in such a way as to favor both the leader and the follower. Of critique example essay, the leader critique example essay followers are vital components of effective leadership because without followers, a leader ceases to be a leader. Lastly, the interactions between the leader and followers are also of vital importance. This is where the feedback process comes. Hence, it is imperative to consider that the feedback process is not a one-way process but a two-way process involving giving and receiving from the leader to the follower and vice versa, critique example essay.
In other words, albeit this theory is deemed complex and difficult to test, it defines the right model of effective leadership from my critique example essay of view stressing the importance of the vital components that makes up an effective leadership. This is because effective feedback and interaction with other leaders and subordinates help one to ascertain the duration, breadth and imparting control over an adversity. Moreover, this leadership theory also makes room for identifying an adversity ahead of time. Therefore, making necessary preparation and taking adequate critique example essay in order to contain and deal with it.
A clear identification of the environmental critique example essay provide an essence giving room for pinpointing the challenges faced by the firm in the physical environment and the appropriate approaches to deal with those challenges. Various literature on leadership assumes that leadership and management are two separate concepts. Obviously, management becomes effective when the manager is a leader. Charismatic leadership as proposed by House assumes that certain charismatic attributes must be present in a leader before he can lead effectively. This is akin to stating the leaders are born and not made. Of course, good leaders could possess some intrinsic characteristics that distinguish them, but essentially effectiveness can be ensured by acquiring knowledge.
A leader must be able to keep abreast of every necessary detail on leadership and also wield them appropriately. The theories and concepts of leadership as pointed out above namely situational and transformational leadership are quite encompassing but do not truly paint the picture of leadership as a practical activity in a complex organization Denis et al. Apparently, the practice of leadership is a complex process which cannot perfectly be defined by a single theory, concept or model. In fact, this is obviously what spurred Allio to assert critique example essay there is no best way to lead. This means that there might be different models or ideas on effective leadership and no single model or theory truly defines an effective leader.
In fact, an integration of all of the leadership theory would go a long way to giving a model of an effective leader in an organization or a system, critique example essay. The models and theories of effective leadership do not comprehensively consider the factors that result to the derailment of executives or top managers. The study noted that derailment could be prevented if managers and those around them will work on some hard developmental issues. To prevent derailment, the study also observed that managers need to improve themselves in their interpersonal relationships, critique example essay, their ability to build and lead a team, ability to develop or adapt and ability to meet the objectives of the business. Essentially, it can be noted that derailment is a developmental issue and not a value issue and can be prevented by working on the aforementioned developmental processes and not the value system.
The leader is presented here as someone who is already perfect and can be emulated in all ramification by the followers or subordinates. Of course, the leader should serve as an example to the followers, but there should be room for improvement and development to avoid the issues of leadership derailment. In conclusion, being a very vital and important subject, critique example essay, leadership demands careful consideration and study in every organization. Leadership has no single definition, and many theories have been propounded by various theorists to describe this important concept. A leader can simply be defined as a person who critique example essay a follower regardless of the number of followers.
This definition clearly writes management off as different from leadership. However, managerial leadership concept tries to marry the two important concept namely leadership and management together.
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Starting critique essays is the most challenging part. You are supposed to substantiate your opinion with quotes and paraphrases, avoiding retelling the entire text. A critical analysis aims to find out whether an article or another piece of writing is compelling. Then, explore the text on how this main idea was elaborated. Finally, draft your critique according to the structure given below. Attentively read the literary work. While reading, make notes and underline the essentials. Finally, it is time to draft your essay. Then, formulate a thesis statement — one sentence that will contain your opinion of the work under scrutiny. After that, make a one-paragraph summary of the text. You can use this simple template for the draft version of your analysis.
Another thing that can help you at this step is a summary creator to make the creative process more efficient. You can evaluate the chosen work or concept in several ways. Pick the one you feel more comfortable with from the following:. There are also different types of critiques. The introduction is setting the stage for your analysis. Here are some tips to follow when working on it:. The body of the critique contains the supporting paragraphs. This is where you will provide the facts that prove your main idea and support your thesis. Follow the tips below when writing the body of your critique. Finally, you will need to write a conclusion for your critique. Follow these tips when writing your conclusion:. We will write a custom essays specifically for you! For more details on how to write a critique, check out the great critique analysis template provided by Thompson Rivers University.
If you want more information on essay writing in general, look at the Secrets of Essay Writing. With all of the information and tips provided above, your way will become clearer when you have a solid example of a critique essay. Below is a critical response to The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. When speaking of feminist literature that is prominent and manages to touch on incredibly controversial issues, The Yellow Wallpaper is the first book that comes to mind. Written from a first-person perspective, magnifying the effect of the narrative, the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman introduces the reader to the problem of the physical and mental health of the women of the 19th century.
However, the message that is intended to concern feminist ideas is rather subtle. Written in the form of several diary entries, the novel offers a mysterious plot, and at the same time, shockingly realistic details. What really stands out about the novel is the fact that the reader is never really sure how much of the story takes place in reality and how much of it happens in the psychotic mind of the protagonist. However, there is no doubt that the novel is a renowned classic. Offering a perfect portrayal of the 19th-century stereotypes, it is a treasure that is certainly worth the read.
Seeing an example of a critique is so helpful. You can find many other examples of a critique paper at the University of Minnesota and John Hopkins University. Plus, you can check out this video for a great explanation of how to write a critique. Hello, Sandara! Our experts will help you with any task! Custom Writing team created this content, so you can cite it as a web article and start the citation with the title of the article. However, learning how to write a book report is something that is commonly required in university. The main book report types are: plot analysis, character analysis, and thematic analysis. You might be asked to analyze a research paper, a movie, a company, a book, or an event.
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To critique a dissertation, you should: Thoroughly read the paper. Take notes and summarize the text you can even try and use auto summarizer for that. You may also learn more about cause and effect essay writing and get narrative essay assistance offered by ProfEssays. A writer who has to develop a critique essay should remember that they do not need to be professional writers nor can they be such. Writing critique essays can take a lot of time—watching or reviewing the material itself may take days of extensive research, not to mention the actual process of writing itself.
Our experts are always ready to offer essay writing help. Enhance your critical mind— place your order now! Next, you have to research on the mechanics of how the movie was made: whose project was it? Did they use digital effects? Were the sets created? This helps you evaluate the different tonal touches that can affect the overall feel of a film. Is it literary, is it academic—is it fiction or non-fiction? What is its main goal—to inform, to tell a story, to entertain? All of these things fit should fit into your critique because they determine whether or not the book was able to accomplish its goal. What effect did this help the author achieve? What effect did the book have on you? This will make it much easier for you to write a quality critique essay on your book of choice.
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ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. Introduction Leadership endures relevance in virtually every field of life, and it cannot be overstated in the business world. What Is Leadership? Leadership Theories Theories and leadership experts have propounded several theories on leadership. Leader-Environment-Follower-Interaction Theory Leader-environment-follower-interaction theory abbreviated as LEFI is another interesting leadership theory that stems from the situational leadership approach proposed by Wofford. A Personal Perspective on Leadership Various literature on leadership assumes that leadership and management are two separate concepts.
Conclusion In conclusion, being a very vital and important subject, leadership demands careful consideration and study in every organization. References Allio, R. Time Management. Bachelor's Degree. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January Good Example Of Essay On An Overview And Critique On Leadership. January Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07, com, Jan Free Essay Examples - WowEssays. Published Jan 06, Share with friends using:. Removal Request.
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