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Legalization of marijuana essays

Legalization of marijuana essays

The states that have legalized Cannabis have seen lower opioid use and legalization of marijuana essays. GET ACCESS NOW. There are millions of campaigns every year cautioning people against smoking cigarettes, but there has been none seeking to warn people about marijuana consumption Owen, I am sure you have heard of the extensive research centered around epileptic seizures and cannabis. Child Abuse Research Paper Samples. htm Cross-sectional vs, legalization of marijuana essays. The black market for weed is still just as big as the industries selling weed.


Over the last decade, there has been plenty of speculation revolving around the whether the legalization of marijuana is even ethical, well it is here, and it is legal. For the time being it happens to be in only a select number of states. Well when the facts reveal the real benefits from marijuana and how it outweighs what some believe to be negative effects. The decriminalization of marijuana has been helpful to the nation because of the tax that comes with it, legalization of marijuana essays, which has been predicted to boost the economy.

Promoters of cannabis support the notion to legalize the plant and in return, the government will put a tax on the marijuana when sold to the community, legalization of marijuana essays, which can seem excessive to some people, yet it steadily increases the growth of the economy, so it is a win, win for everybody. Taxing marijuana is only one of many examples that validates why marijuana should be legalized all over the United States. The states of Nevada, Colorado and California have already passed laws permitting both recreational and medicinal marijuana throughout the states. As assumed, the additional profit that the state is going to receive from this is revolutionary.

How it works. Marijuana, can help legalization of marijuana essays medical conditions too, as it is recognized to relieve anxiety, any type of pain, legalization of marijuana essays, and reduces epileptic seizures, these are just a few ways patients benefit from marijuana. More and more states have began allowing patients to use marijuana by asking doctors for prescriptions. Over the past two decades, deaths legalization of marijuana essays drug overdoses have become the leading cause of injury death in the United States. In55 percent of drug overdose deaths were related to prescription medications; 75 percent of those deaths involved opiate painkillers. However, researchers found that opiate-related deaths decreased by approximately 33 percent in 13 states in the following six years after medical marijuana was legalized.

This cause, in support of the legalization of marijuana would help the country by giving law enforcement more time to handle other more important issues, instead of having them put forth time towards an issue that is harmless. Marijuana has been the most popular drug used in the U. Obviously keeping it illegal is not stopping people from getting stoned. Thinking logically, if this was done, it would allow leeway for law enforcement to use more money on other issues like murders and robbery. The proof shows: the U. would gain significantly if marijuana would be legalized nationwide, solely off of the fact that states are doing these things right now.

This topic is greatly overlooked by many, because of how awkward the topic can be for some people, which is completely understandable. Yet the truth really is that marijuana has a vast majority of benefits, whether someone uses it to suppress something internally such as: anxiety, chronic pain or seizures. What about the fact that it would help the Justice Department if it were to become decriminalized, because of the focus and money put forth towards legalization of marijuana essays more important matters, rather than petty crimes such as these. Whatever the reason to use it, or to benefit from it is, it can help many people in many ways.

Society has unfortunately given this plant an unfortunately, bad reputation. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works.

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Survey: Illegal Drugs; The Harm Done. Economist, Robert J. Blendon, ScD; John T. Young, MA. The Public and the War on Illicit Drugs. Journal of the American Medical Association, Deglamorizing Cannabis. The Lancet, Vol. Marijuana is no more harmful to the individual than smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol; in fact, it may be significantly less harmful than cigarettes in terms of the frequency and manner in which users typically consume both substances. Whereas marijuana may be consumed irregularly or once in a while by many of its users, virtually everybody who smokes cigarettes does so on a daily basis, usually consuming ten or twenty cigarettes or more every day. In all likelihood, the average cigarette smoker is at much greater risk from smoking than the average marijuana smoker is.

In principle, government could justify prohibition of marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco uniformly and without distinction without necessarily violating any logical or moral concepts. Admittedly, ingesting any form of smoke into the lungs unnecessarily is medically harmful and unnecessary. Especially since the cost of medical insurance and un-reimbursed medical expenses from public resources is such a…. Increases in any of these demographics is negatively correlated with polls in favor of partially legalizing marijuana use and possession, with the researcher's observations allowing some more detailed examination of the possible reasons, as well Myers, Marijuana's association with violent crime and with a lax work ethic causes it to be more feared y Protestants and in communities with large minority populations, and individuals over the age of sixty-five are more likely to express disapproval or outfight fears of the drug and its potential to bring violence into a community Myers, It is not that people fear the drug itself or its effects on them if they were to use it -- not a health concern, that is -- but rather that they fear what they have been told about the source of the drug, how it is traded, and the type of person that is associated with….

References Beaudoin, C. Media Use and Perceived Risk as Predictors of Marijuana Use. American Journal of Health Behavior 36 1 : Goode, E. Moral panics: culture, politics, and social construction. Moral panics: the social construction of deviance. New York: Wiley. Myers, L. Do Status Politics or Racial Threat Theories Explain State-Level Variation in Medical Marijuana Laws? Thesis: Ohio State University. They were simply caught up in the lawlessness and anarchy that the prohibition on marijuana causes. Laws and policies in the United States that are theoretically intending to protect the social order are causing chaos and disorder in Mexico, and for some reason the U.

government thinks dead Mexicans are not a big problem. To have no soul or compassion for the victims of this prohibition is simply evil. The worst part is that the entire prohibition against marijuana is not even working. Anybody can get marijuana if they want. Studies have shown that teenagers find it easier to obtain marijuana than alcohol Armentano, The plant's usage for recreational, religious and medical uses has become mainstream in music and movies, and the majority of Americans are if favor of legalizing it Hartman, Even members of law enforcement see that the demand and supply of marijuana are unchanged as….

Works Cited: Armentano, P. Study says it's easier for teens to buy marijuana than beer. The war on drugs is a war on freedom. Lew Rockwell. com Hartman, R. Number of Americans who support legal marijuana. Retrieved November 29, from. Another important aspect of the medical marijuana debate that many people are not recognizing is the potential for additional revenue. States are taxing dispensaries on their sales, and adding much-needed revenue to their coffers. Another writer notes, "Colorado is now the second state, behind California, to tax and regulate medical-marijuana sales, a move that comes on the heels of the Obama administration's decision in October to leave enforcement of laws governing medical marijuana to the states" ichardson A evenue opportunities are also available to cities who license these dispensaries.

eporter ichardson continues, "Some cities have jumped on the revenue bandwagon by adding municipal taxes. Earlier this year, Oakland approved a 1. Denver also plans to collect a city sales tax on medical marijuana starting in December" ichardson A In tough economic times, it simply makes sense to take advantage of every revenue stream. References Berg, Jessica. Cohen, Peter J. There is a large, well-maintained drug smuggling organization that provides marijuana to American users, and many of those organizations are located in Mexico. They are violent, gang-oriented, they have a stronghold over Mexican society, and they dominate the drug culture in the United States, too. They control what is bought and sold, the prices, and the quality of the drug.

Anyone who uses marijuana supports these drug cartels, either knowingly or not. These cartels are dangerous, even deadly members of society, and supporting them only supports the violence and illegal activities they continue. Using marijuana is dangerous to American society, because it encourages these cartels, and that is yet another reason it should remain illegal. Marijuana use is an addiction, and just like any other addiction, it must be treated and managed. It can ruin lives, it can break apart families, and it can turn a productive, intelligent citizen into…. Medical Marijuana The debate over the usage of medical marijuana in the United States has been intense and marked by an extreme and virulent debate between parties that disagree wildly on the issue. The United States government, in particular, is opposed to the legalization of the drug for the purpose of medicinal use.

The Drug Enforcement Agency, an arm of the United States Department of Justice focuses on the fact that marijuana has several extremely negative physiological effects that make it seem to be an unlikely candidate for use as a medicinal substance: The harmful consequences of smoking marijuana include, but are not limited to the following: premature cancer, addiction, coordination and perception impairment, a number of mental disorders including depression, hostility and increased aggressiveness, general apathy, memory loss, reproductive disabilities, and impairment to the immune system. Say It Straight" Indeed, it is difficult to note this impressive series of…. Bibliography Becker, Jo. Page B Marijuana is a drug that is acquired from the cannabis plant.

It is also referred to as cannabis and it is a psychoactive drug Miller, Oberbarnscheidt and Gold 1. Marijuana is used for recreational or medical purposes. Across the world, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug and it is classified as Schedule 1 controlled substance. It alters the mood of a person and affects almost every organ in the body. The cannabis plant is normally dried out, ground up, and smoked. The drug comes in many forms and it can even be baked. In most instances, it is added in the ingredients for cookies and candies for it to be consumed.

This produces the same effect as that of smoking it. Marijuana being a psychoactive drug alters perception. It contains tetrahydrocannabinol THC , which is a chemical compound that causes the effects of the drug Uhl, Koob and Cable…. Opiate crisis in New York This comes as a letter of concerns and a motion to point out the adverse effects of the currently legalized opioids at the expense of the safe to use marijuana. A harm that particularly brings down the active youthful populations of New York, rendering them unproductive. It is to them that the legalization of marijuana policy as herein covered is directed since they stand to benefit the most. The American population has over the years suffered from opiate addiction since this are drugs that are easily available on prescription.

There are the prescribed opioids which include oxycodone, fentanyl, buprenorphine, methadone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, codeine, and morphine. There are however other opioids such as heroin which are categorized as illegal drugs of abuse U. Addiction to opioids is a long lasting health problem that has serious social, economic as well…. References Greenhouse Wellness, Opioid addiction. How Does Marijuana Affect You? Marijuana is one of the most discussed drugs in the world because of arguments based on its benefits and perceived detrimental effects. Part of the reason for the arguments is that marijuana is still classified federally as a Schedule 1 narcotic, meaning it falls under the class of hard drugs—such as heroin, LSD and cocaine DEA, Thus, many countries limit its use and sale.

In some American states, for that reason, marijuana has been legalized, and people are free to use it for recreational purposes as well as medical reasons. Indeed, for many years, people have associated marijuana use with mental relaxation and with its ability to reduce depression and tension. However, there is not a significant sample size of studies that have…. References Advanced Holistic Health. html Asamsama, O. Do scores on the Beck Depression Inventory-II Predict Outcome in Cognitive Processing Therapy? Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 7 5 , Barber, E. Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Caulkins, J. Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford University Press. Corrigan, P. Lessons learned from unintended consequences about erasing the stigma of mental illness. World Psychiatry, 15 1 , Drug scheduling. Hemp: American History Revisited: The Plant with a Divided History. New York, NY: Algora Publishing. Estoup, A. The impact of marijuana legalization on adolescent use, consequences, and perceived risk. Abstract This paper looks at the concept of legalizing marijuana nationwide.

It examines what the current literature has to say on marijuana research, medicinal benefits, and legal history of the substance. It also includes a look at the economic benefits of marijuana legalization in states like Colorado. An analysis section follows the review of literature, and in the conclusion recommendations are made for further action. Introduction Though the banning of marijuana began in the U. prior to Prohibition and continued on up through the s across the majority of states, it was not until the Marihuana Tax Act of that it became illegal to possess or transfer cannabis under federal law unless one was using it for medical or industrial purposes. References ACLU. Marijuana arrests by the numbers.

High In America: The True Story Behind NORML And The Politics Of Marijuana. NY: Viking Press. Bazelon, D. The morality of the criminal law. Southern California Law Review, 49, Collins, S. How pharmacists can counsel patients on medical marijuana. Pharmacy Today, 20 4 , DEA, Dragone, D. Crime and the legalization of recreational marijuana. Fiala, E. Great-Grandmother Arrested at Disney World for Having CBD Oil in Her Purse. References Cherry, Kendra. What is a cross-sectional study? htm Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal studies. At Work, Even if the intention may be present regarding the desire to kill another human being, regardless of whether there is a gun present or not, it is difficult to argue that the presence of guns make the commission of a crime far easier than many other weapons.

Stabbing or harming someone in a fist fight can be deadly, but it is much easier for someone to coolly and impersonally use a gun to commit murder from a distance. Perhaps a better way of phrasing the…. I am prepared for the temptations that smoking marijuana might present as I go through college and will not be easily swayed by the lures of friendship and comaraderie that participating in such behavior might afford me. I can see the dangers and risks that it would expose me to and am not willing to risk a good education for something as dangerous as illicit drug use. orks Cited Fenzel, L.

Larimer, Mary, Kilmer, Jason and Lee, Christine. Rumstein, Regina. Marijuana: College Students' Expectations. March, Non-Journal Paper presented at the Annual…. Works Cited Fenzel, L. Non-Journal Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association 49th, Washington, D. One very important aspect related to smoking marijuana concerns the number of deaths reported on an annual basis linked to using other legal and illegal substances. For example, according to the U. ureau of Mortality Statistics, , Americans die annually as a direct result of smoking cigarettes; , die prematurely from drinking alcohol; some 20, die from abusing legal prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Valium, Percodan, and other drugs prescribed by physicians; 2, die from the effects of consuming too much caffeine, mainly from heart failure, while the number of Americans who die from smoking marijuana currently stands at zero, an indication that smoking marijuana does not directly cause any known fatal and debilitating disease "The Legalization of Marijuana," Internet.

Therefore, considering the number of Americans who die prematurely from consuming alcohol which has been legal since the end of Prohibition in the early 's, there is no logical reason not…. The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization in the United States. New York: Random House, Medical Marijuana Use and the National Drug Policy It is clear that the marijuana plant covers numerous elements that may prove prized when it comes to treating a variety of symptoms illnesses or, leading numerous individuals to argue that it should be made legally obtainable for medical determinations. The states of Colorado and Washington in the United Sates have legalized marijuana for fun use.

However, there is a quantity of other states which have legalized basic marijuana for "medical" utilization. esearch shows that even more states are passing laws that permitting individuals to start practicing medical marijuana. Therefore, if an individual lives in a state where medical marijuana is permitted and their physician trusts that it would benefit, they will get what is called a "marijuana card. When it comes to national policy, twenty-three states…. References Drug Policy: Marijuana. Have Medical Marijuana Laws Contributed to Greater General Marijuana Use by Adults? psychological effects of drugs. Specifically it will discuss the psychological effects of marijuana on the brain. Many factors of marijuana use can affect the brain, and these affects can be long-term and very harmful.

Using marijuana may seem harmless, and less harmful than other types of drugs, such as alcohol, but it is very harmful, and can have long-term affects on people who use it regularly. Marijuana has many chemicals that are harmful. Doctors Bell and Hall note that THC is the most well-known and harmful of these chemicals. These affects do not typically last longer than a few hours, depending on how much of the drug the subject ingests, but the affects on the brain can…. This early drug use can lead to the abuse of other drugs, but it can also have lasting affects on the brain and the way it functions, because it hits the brain before the brain is ready for drug use.

Because marijuana and other illegal drugs are also usually very addicting, they create an urge in the user to continue using them, and so dependence on them can grow, adding to the problem of long-term damage. There is another problem associated with brain function and marijuana use. Authors Agosti et al. note, "Longitudinal studies have also found a significant association between chronic cannabis use, mental disorders, and social morbidity" Agosti et al. Therefore, use of marijuana, especially early use, can ultimately lead to the use of more dangerous drugs, and chronic use can lead to many mental problems.

What this means for the brains of these users is that they will show additional memory loss, confusion, and other signs of brain damage as their life progresses, especially if they continue to use the drug throughout their lives. It can even lead to mental disorders and death as previously noted. Thus, marijuana is more dangerous than many people believe. Proponents of the drug cite many studies that have not shown any damaging affects of the drug, but these studies have consistently been disproved by more effective studies such as those cited here. There will always be a segment of the population that wants to legalize marijuana, especially those who use it for its claimed medicinal affects.

However, scientific studies show that marijuana use is harmful to the brain and to the overall health of the user,. Marijuana ecently, Uruguay became the first country to legalize in its entirety and without qualification the marijuana trade. Uruguayan senators spent a total of twelve hours debating the issue, which was proposed by the country's President. The bill was described by its proponents as "an unavoidable response to reality, given that the 'war' on drugs had failed" BBC, , 1. The law allows registered citizens to buy up to 40g per month.

The law is the first of what could be many as South American nations in particular are coming to the realization that drug prohibition, backed by American interests with the support of the United Nations, has left the continent with powerful and violent gangs that control the trade, while doing nothing to stem consumption Ibid. Indeed, the UN has already weighed in by stating that Uruguay's legislation is in contravention of the international treaties that are enforced by…. References BBC. Uruguay becomes first nation to legalise marijuana trade. Uruguay marijuana move 'illegal' -- UN drugs watchdog. Do youths substitute alcohol and marijuana? Some econometric evidence. Vol 23 3 Chokshi, N. After legalizing marijuana, Washington and Colorado are starting to regulate it.

Washington Post. Marijuana Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized in United States Marijuana is a plant with extreme strong fragrance, and its dry leaves are an active ingredient of a number of hallucinogenic drugs. The liberty endorsing and preaching societies of the world are still in a fit to either legalize the usage of marijuana or not. The argument that forms the mainstream of the authorization of the usage and legal selling of marijuana in the United States has long been a subject of contention. Health hazards pertaining to the usage of marijuana are a common stance used to justify the illegalization of this drug in United States. The following paper tends to highlight the various aspects that will justify that marijuana should be legalized in the United States.

The most important reason that forms the mainstream of the stance that marijuana should be legalized in the United States is the rational choice…. References Bowman, K. Attitudes toward Marijuana. The American Enterprise, 12, Human Events, 58, Fired Up. Vegetarian Times Marijuana Legalization and Public Health Issues associated with the Public Health Implications of Marijuana Legalization The legalization of marijuana use in various states in the U. has contributed to a surge in of a public health problem associated with marijuana use.

A significant increase in the use over the past two decades points to an estimated quarter of the American population that has used the drug. Marijuana use amongst senior high school students has surpassed cigarette-smoking cases. Consequences of marijuana use emanate from a comprehensive and scientific research by the World Health Organization WHO and other health organizations on this subject Department of Health and Human Services, Findings on the health hazards caused by marijuana use include interference of mental functioning by marijuana due to the acute intoxication of the drug.

The use has curtailed coordination of tasks, a skilled performance of activities such as driving, and complex tasks…. References Basharat, P. Hypersensitivity Reactions To Marijuana. J Allergy Clin Immunol Feb; 2 Suppl. Notes from the Field: Severe Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Marijuana -- Colorado, August -- September htm Frizell, S. Obama on Marijuana Legalization: 'It's Important for It to Go Forward. Marijuana to Ones Health: Marijuana is a drug that comes from the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa as a dry, shredded green and brown mixture of stems, seeds, and flowers. The drug is also known as hashish when it's in a more concentrated, resinous form as a sticky black liquid, hash oil.

Marijuana is a mind-altering drug because its main psychoactive chemical is deltatetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. In the United States, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, which has significant health risks and effects on people. Since , the use of marijuana in the United States has generally increased, particularly after a period of decline in the past decade. The increase in the use of this illicit drug is influenced by a diminishing perception of its health risks. According to recent annual survey data, many teenagers are currently smokers of marijuana than cigarettes.

Despite of its increased use, there are…. Works Cited: Buddy, T. com - Alcoholism. com, 4 Sept. Brown University Health Education, n. United States. Department of Justice. Office of National Drug Control Policy. Marijuana Myths and Facts. National Criminal Justice Reference Service, n. The design of the study was to compare the patterns and frequency of recreational drug use of various types, and of the attitudes expressed by residents of California to the behavior and attitudes on the same issues in the 10 other states after California legalized marijuana for medicinal use in The number of respondents in California was 2, and a total of 12, in the other 10 states. The Trevino and ichard study involved a sample of drug users and non-drug users surveyed for their responses to questions about their opinions about the legalization of marijuana, and also of other illicit recreational drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines.

The Page, Verhoef, Stebbins, Metz, and Levy study utilized a self-reported questionnaire developed specifically as a tool for this study designed to identify differences in the choices made by patients with MS to use marijuana as…. References Khatapoush, S. And Hallfors, D. Page, S. Legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the media as of lately. Completely legalizing marijuana would mean allowing just about anyone to have access to it -- of course with some government regulation. However, opponents of this process argue that the health detriments are enough to merit harsher punishments and the complete ban of this substance.

Despite opposition to marijuana's legalization, there are many more benefits that need to be taken into consideration before rushing to any particular judgment. In order for the welfare of all of the aforementioned entities to be established, marijuana needs to be legalized. As of , the states of Colorado and Washington have…. ABC News Network, 27 Aug. Astaiza, Randy. Business Insider, 08 Nov. Ferner, Matt. com, 28 Aug. The Robesonian, 30 Apr. legalization marijuana. There has been much controversy regarding the legalization of marijuana in recent years, as its number of supporters has increased directly proportional to the number of individuals opposing it.

When considering matters from a perspective involving public policy, the legalization of marijuana is going to cause increased marijuana use. Consuming more marijuana can lead to people's health being negatively affected but it can also generated more revenue for the government as a result of taxes. Even with this, the fact that governments would gain control over marijuana sales would mean that they would be able to control the amounts that people use as a result of introducing more or less harsh taxes. Education would make the difference between a…. Fox, S. Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?. Chelsea Green Publishing. Galston, W. Legalizing Marijuana. Infobase Publishing. Medical Marijuana Legislation and Civil Liberties When the historic passage of legislation permitting medical marijuana use in states like Arizona , Delaware and Massachusetts is considered in conjunction with the fact that 13 other states have similar legislation or ballot measures pending, the traditional conception of marijuana ingestion as a criminal act is being reexamined on a societal level.

Further bolstering this assertion is the legal situation in California, Colorado and Washington, where marijuana has been decriminalized entirely and permitted for recreational sale by licensed dispensaries, providing the platform for a restoration of basic rights in these jurisdictions. With approximately half of the states in the union already affording citizens with medical needs the liberty to seek relief in the form of marijuana, while the federal government's ostensible ban on the substance remains in effect, the stage has been set for a national debate over the merits of….

References Mill, J. Mill's Utilitarianism: Text and criticism. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Pub. Even proponents of medical legalization concede marijuana cannot cure or even alleviate the symptoms of MS or glaucoma, merely act as a narcotic. True, other narcotics exist on the market today -- and like marijuana, they are also addictive. Whether they are more or less addictive than marijuana remains uncertain, but advocates say the chronically ill should be able to choose what works best for them while opponents say only tested, carefully titrated drugs should be used as palliatives. Weighing the rights of the sick with marijuana's long and short-term side effects is a delicate balance. When marijuana is smoked, users often suffer similar short as well as long-term problems to those of regular smokers, including a smoker's cough and breathing problems.

The active agent in marijuana, THC,…. References Amsterdam drugs. Amsterdam Info. On the legalization or not of marijuana. The New York Times. Legalization of marijuana. Future of Marijuana in America: Marijuana or cannabis was first identified by the Chinese in c. The introduction or arrival of medicinal cannabis in America was characterized with an amazingly colorful and checkered history. Medicinal cannabis was characterized with initial robust use in the United States, which faded after the development of aspirin and opioids. The decreased used culminated in the criminalization of cannabis in America in despite of the contradictory advice of the American Medical Association, which was submitted on record to Congress.

However, the use of marijuana has emerged as a major issue in the past few decades because of the renewed interest in medicinal cannabis. Actually, several stakeholders in the health care sector including the American College of Physicians, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Institutes of Health have supported further research and…. References: Aggarwal et. Medicinal Use of Cannabis in the United States: Historical Perspectives, Current Trends, and Future Directions. Journal of Opioid Management, 5 3 , Cardinale, A. A Brief History of How Marijuana Became Illegal in the U. marijuana should be legalized only for medicinal purposes. The debate over medicinal marijuana usage and legality is a controversial one. Many experts argue the drug costs society too much money in terms of law enforcement and incarceration costs when the monies could be better spent in other law enforcement areas.

A large majority of the American people does believe marijuana should be decriminalized for medical usage. However, several questions regarding medicinal marijuana usage that must be addressed. First, is marijuana a safe and effective medicine? Proponents maintain marijuana has been used medicinally for thousands of years and for a variety of uses. They claim that it is safe, no one has ever "died…. References Author not Available. html Cauchon, Dennis. Fackelmann, Kathleen. htm Frood, Arran. Paternalistic legislation, even when warranted, must be logically consistent both in theory and in practical application, in the case of marijuana, prohibitions against its medicinal use, even if still unproven in clinical trials, is logically and ethically inconsistent with the legal status of substances like tobacco which are devoid of any possible beneficial use and which, unlike marijuana, have actually been proven to cause disease and premature death.

Governmental paternalism is appropriate in many instances, including ensuring the safety and efficacy of substances used for medicinal purposes. However, the application of paternalistic legislation must, if nothing else, be logically consistent. Federal prohibition criminalizing marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, is completely unjustified, particularly in light of the legal status of tobacco, which has absolutely no beneficial medical use and whose recreational use accounts for tremendous human harm. Critical literary work on constitutional law, civil rights, and the moral justification for paternalistic legislation authored by attorney and Harvard University law professor, Arthur Miller.

Taylor, R. Buffalo: Prometheus Critical literary work on the logical basis for social norms, laws, civil rights, and the morality of ethical principles in human life authored by renowned ethicist, and Cornell philosophy professor Richard Taylor. In the shifting views about the health effects of marijuana, there is a general trend for states to relax the rules around this substance across the nation. Some states have already lifted the ban against marijuana for recreational purposes. The state of California set the pace in this discussion and shifting perceptions when it passed a proposal now popularly known as proposal to allow possession of small amounts of the substance for medical uses Murphy and Carnevale Other states have followed suit.

The most notable among these states are the District of Columbia and six other states. They have all allowed possession of marijuana; not for medical use only, but for recreational purposes. There are several contributing factors to this phenomenon. One of the most outstanding reasons is that the much-touted war on drugs across the nation has…. President Richard Nixon chose to ignore and through the whole report into the garbage. Instead, he had the Drug Enforcement Agency DEA created and were given authority enter homes without knocking and to use wiretaps and gather intelligence virtually on anyone Milestones. In the 's President Ronald Reagan continued the war by advocated his own war and it was estimated that due to these wars, someone was arrested on a violation of a marijuana law every 38 seconds.

Thankfully, these wars have become more focused on the real drug problems that are primarily synthetic or man made or used in ways never imagined. But heroin and methamphitamines are clearly not health regimens. They kill people every day, cause real crimes and ruin families, lives and destroys entire groups. The first step in changing the view of marijuana began with the legalization for medical usage. The compassions for the ill allowed…. Works Cited " Buchanan, Wyatt. Gray, Jim. There is much more to the issue and how it is addressed than that Seamon, These states are: Alaska California Colorado Hawaii Maine Maryland Michigan Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Rhode Island Vermont Washington Seamon, Criticisms of Decriminalization Gateway Drug The war on drugs has been in the news for some time now, and marijuana has been included in that war.

It continues to be listed as important in the speeches of many politicians, and it continues to be at the forefront of a great many debates about how our tax money should best be spent Gray, ; Pacula, b. One of the main concerns of the war on drugs, however, does not deal with what politicians think about it. Rather, it deals with what police think about it. Police are, after all, the ones that are out there on the streets every day, trying to fight the…. Bibliography Anslinger, H. htm Austin, James. Brazaitis, Tom. Should Concede Defeat in the War on Drugs. Perth, Australia: The University of Western Australia, Department of Economics. The active chemical ingredient, THC, is accessed by smoking marijuana and is used for both recreational and medical reasons.

The pro-legalization supporters and the anti-legalization supporters are divided by ethical and medical viewpoints. The use of marijuana is linked with health risks, but it is also associated with beneficial medical and therapeutic uses. Opponents of legalization also raise concerns about marijuana abuse, dependency, and its stance as a "gateway" drug which could lead a user to try "harder" drugs. Tobacco smoking and drinking alcohol give concerns for abuse, dependency, and have been linked with the use of "harder" drugs, however these substances remain legal.

A total of 14 states have allowed for the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and some studies have indicated the benefits of decriminalization of marijuana as law enforcement efforts and resources can be used for more significant crimes. There is a concern that the legalization…. Works Cited Drewe, M, F Drewe, and A Riecher. Grossman, M, F Chaloupka, and K. Joffe, A, and W. Leung, Lawrence. Legalizing Marijuana Recent ballot initiatives in states like California and Oregon asking for the decriminalization of marijuana use reveals a growing public acceptance of marijuana.

The perception that marijuana is not dangerous has made drug enforcement even more difficult. Indeed, the debate over marijuana goes beyond health concerns, and touches issues such as crime and privacy as well. This paper examines the debate to legalize marijuana. The first part of the paper examines the arguments of the pro-marijuana side, focusing on those who argue that the drug can have medicinal purposes. The next part then examines the potential dangers of legalized marijuana use, both to the individual and to public health in general. In the conclusion, the paper argues that marijuana use is not a "victimless" crime. The potential dangers that marijuana present to individual and public health are best upheld by keeping marijuana illegal. Pro-legalization arguments Prohibitions against the….

Works Cited Glasser, Ira. Louise I. Gerdes, ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Essay examples. Marijuana is legal in more than 12 countries in the world. In , Canada became one of the countries alongside Uruguay, Australia, and the Netherlands to legalize marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Many states in the US including California, Colorado, Ohio, and Nevada have legalized marijuana. However, there are still many places where marijuana is illegal and the people using it usually face harsh punishments. There is a push to change this law in many places as it is causing a lot of young people to have criminal records.

The argument about whether marijuana should be legalized in all parts of the US is still ongoing. Students usually get a lot of essays on marijuana legalization as it is a pressing issue for many countries. Using sample papers to outline the introduction, and a conclusion can help with writing the marijuana legalization essays. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Cutting across party lines, gender, education, and race; public support for marijuana legalization has increased significantly over the last decade.

The United States has seen several states legalize this drug, like Colorado, and after the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, other state legislatures and government Marijuana Legalization. Cannabis, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Legal and medical status of cannabis, Legality of cannabis, Legality of cannabis by country. Medical marijuana is one of the many controversial issues in society today. Medical marijuana has been continuous fight between the federal government, doctors, and patients. On another hand, studies have proven that medical marijuana can be extremely beneficial in eliminates side effect and is less Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana Society.

The binge of marijuana legalization Drugs Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. Binge of marijuana legalization, Cannabis, Control of the distribution of marijuana, Economic benefits of marijuana legalization, Legal marijuana market, Medicine, Recreational marijuana industry. Drug addiction is a big issue the government deals with all over the world, every culture has a tradition of consuming narcotic substances. Marijuana Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana. Cannabis, Drug, Legality of cannabis by country, Medical cannabis, Pharmacology, Tetrahydrocannabinol. Recently, an annual marijuana legalization festival was held in Prague. The effort to enforce marijuana legalization is something that I fully support — and it seems that over time this goal could finally be achieved as society is more and more tolerant to marijuana.

Drugs Marijuana Legalization Prohibition. The first legalization of marijuana was in by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. But for Colorado and Washington, Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. Cannabinoid, Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Legal and medical status of cannabis, Legality of cannabis, Legality of cannabis by country, Legalization, Marijuana Policy Project. It comes with many great benefits, such as being a treatment option against depression, it is fun and calms you down.

Therefore, countries have legalized it for medicinal use and some have Cannabis Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. In the United States of America , people die each year from alcohol-related causes. Most of the causes are, drinking and driving, crashes, other accidents, falls, fires, and alcohol-related homicides and suicides. While prescription painkillers cause thousands of overdoses which leads to deaths each year Drugs Legalization Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. In the United States, by virtue of the Controlled Substances Act of , cannabis use and possession is illegal under federal law for any reason.

Under this law, marijuana is categorized as a substance of Schedule I control, determined to have a strong potential for It grows naturally upon our planet. Marijuana may be a terribly disputed topic once it involves legalization. Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, Drug, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Legal and medical status of cannabis, Legality of cannabis, Legality of cannabis by country, Marijuana Policy Project, Psychoactive drug. In Canada, it is prohibited to use cannabis, also known by the name of marijuana, for recreational purposes. The laws put in place against this illegal substance are unsatisfactory Canada Cannabis Marijuana Legalization.

Cannabis, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Legal and medical status of cannabis, Legality of cannabis, Legality of cannabis by country, Marijuana Control, Tetrahydrocannabinol. The terms refer to various forms which compose of dried flowering composites that includes seeds, stems and leaves derived from the Cannabis plant. The predominant Addiction, Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, Cocaine, Drug abuse, Drug addiction, Drugs, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Hemp. Throughout American history drug laws and policies have impacted the research of controlled substances along with our justice system.

Over the past century, the US has stepped up border security, increased arrests and lengthened sentences for drug offenses. Many current illegal drugs like opium and

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