Social media. It could be considered an early form of social commentary. Noteworthy, this article was just a quick guide and does not reflect the quality of essays produced by Tutorspoit. At this point, the shock arrives, and the author modest proposal essay his strange proposal, modest proposal essay. They are strictly meant to act as a guideline for researchers. I think it will be of a proposal a person is giving to someone. An example of a contemporary issue that is highly related to poverty and hunger is the topic of unpaid internships.
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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Homelessness — A Modest Proposal To Solve The Issue Of Homelessness. Any subject. Any type of essay. Homelessness is an issue that has been unfortunately established in communities and has not yet met a breakthrough in means of a solution that will end it once and for all, modest proposal essay. Of course, ideas have been given into consideration, it is obvious that the most practical solution would be to pull those whose home resides in the streets into forced labor without payment, in other words, have them work as slaves, modest proposal essay. As for the starvation that they often suffer, unfortunately, they will feed off of the remainder of food that customers leave behind on their trays.
After all, what better way than to have the homeless as human tools for completing numerous tasks, and not having to pay them a dime? A very good solution modest proposal essay It really speaks quite a lot when you see these statistics and come to the conclusion that the people who make up that percentage are all lazy bums who found their way to the path of homelessness. For those who are under 18 years of age and live in poverty, the rate happens to be When you reach the age of 16, you are no longer forced to attend high school and are free to drop out if you wish.
But dropping out means that the student will not receive a high school diploma, and where exactly will that lead them? Will they fault modest proposal essay for their lack of responsibility to maintain themselves? Do they choose to erase those steps an return to school? Well, it would be quite difficult seeing as they let themselves go modest proposal essay ruins. As for the other range of ages such as 30 or over, it is more than impossible for them to retrieve an average way of living for they are too close to death than they are with anything else. It is especially essential that an elder is put modest proposal essay labor in these fast food establishments since they are nearing their death closer and closer each day.
It would mean getting rid of all the unnecessary lazy homeless people that occupy the streets. The reason as to why I am proposing for the labor to specifically take place in a fast food environment is because fast food is known to contain many calories. For example, a double homestyle burger at McDonalds contains calories. If the homeless are too eat the remainders that are left on the trays of customers, they will soon no longer be starving, but obese as well if they are just supplementing that into their diet. Obesity is another factor that will lead them to their end without having to take matters into your own hands.
In conclusion, I highly believe that if this proposition were taken into work, there would be no more of homeless people. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, modest proposal essay, we could not paraphrase this essay, modest proposal essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience, modest proposal essay. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers.
A Modest Proposal to Solve The Issue of Homelessness Subject: Social Issues Modest proposal essay Poverty Topic: Homelessness Page 1 Words: Published: 02 April Downloads: 40 Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write modest proposal essay original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays The Impact of Immigration Reform in Speeding Up the Process of Making America a Nation of Mutts as Presented in David Brooks in a Nation of Mutts Essay. Essay on Poverty Essay. A Proposal to Help Decrease Homelessness of Children after Foster Care Essay, modest proposal essay. Homelessness is a Real Social Problem Essay, modest proposal essay. This place is called Skid Row In Skid Row there are roughly 3 homeless individuals Essay.
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It also addresses some of the political issues that were going on in Ireland at this time and how they could be fixed. An example of a contemporary issue that is highly related to poverty and hunger is the topic of unpaid internships. Unpaid internships are often seen as opportunities for people without much money to get experience in certain industries, such as fashion or investment banks. You may also check effective opinion writing prompts. You should read it because it is an important piece of literature that has had lasting effects on society. It deals with topics such as poverty and hunger, which are still relevant today. A Modest Proposal is a satirical essay with many audiences, but in essence, it was primarily aimed at wealthy gentlemen who can make decisions on behalf of the Irish people without their consent or input.
It could be considered an early form of social commentary. However, it can be said that the essay was written to vent the frustrations of Irish people. The satirical essay has many purposes, but one primary goal was to make people unaffected by poverty and hunger understand how these issues can affect everyone. The author argues that if we do not act on this issue more quickly, it will continue to perpetuate a cycle of poverty. The purpose of A Modest Proposal in modern society is to make people realize the seriousness of poverty and hunger. This essay is used as an encouragement for society to act on these issues more quickly and as an educational tool for scholars and historians.
The essay is also often used in classrooms because it deals with topics such as poverty and hunger that are still relevant today. The message of A Modest Proposal is that poverty and hunger should be taken more seriously. We need to act on this issue quickly before it gets worse for everyone. The rich people in Britain should be more accommodating towards Ireland and help them out. The novel argues that if we do not act on this issue more quickly, it will continue to perpetuate a cycle of poverty. In turn, this will affect society as a whole because there will be more hungry people without money, which will cause crime rates to rise. Some of the crimes that will be committed as a result of poverty and hunger will affect all people in society.
However, more danger will be on the poor who will not have money, leading to death. Therefore, there is a need for the rich to support the poor. Violence perpetrated against the rich will also increase because of their indifference. A Modest Proposal is important because it has been influential to other literary works such as Animal Farm , Brave New World , and , which directly address issues affecting society. A Modest Proposal is not only an important literary work, but it also has economic importance. In terms of the economy, it is important because it makes the reader aware of how poverty and hunger could affect society, which can be seen as a form of social commentary. Scholars also use it for research purposes. A Modest Proposal has also been translated into different languages to help people learn from what Swift highlighted.
This effort was put in to address these issues as they took place in other societies. This is a message that must be taken seriously by governments and people who have the power to make changes in society. It is only by improving the economy and not just through charity that long-term changes can be made. Governments should, therefore, learn from the predicaments of their people. On the other hand, the meat of the child will yield ten shillings. This way, the parents will make an easy profit of eight shillings. At the same time, the buyer will also not be at a loss. Moreover, the skin of the child can also be used as leather when needed.
The author says that he is quite sure that there will be many people in Dublin that will be ready to butcher the children and conduct the business. The author says that he was advised to refine his scheme by a friend. The advice was that he should include teenagers in his proposal because there is a scarcity of deer meat on the tables of the wealthy landlords. Furthermore, these teenagers are living a miserable life and are unable to find any employment. He, however, disagrees with this suggestion on two points. Firstly, the meat of the teenagers is lean and hard, and its taste is also not very good.
Secondly, some people might—unjustly—censure this practice as cruelty. Therefore, it would not be wise to add this suggestion to the proposal. The author admits that there are a lot of other poor people that are unable to find work for themselves and are a burden on society. These include sick, aged, and disable people. However, he does not show any worry about them because these people are going to die very soon. The author admits that he has digressed and comes back to his original proposal. He says that his proposal is beneficial in the sense that the Catholics will lessen in number in this way.
The Catholics are disadvantageous to the country as they have very large families. He accuses them of their political activities and calls them the enemy of the state. Another advantage the proposal will have is that the underprivileged tenants will be able to clear their debts by selling their children. In this way, the economy of the nation will improve. Consequently, a liability will turn into a product of the national level. Moreover, a new dish will also be added to the cuisine of the landlords. The benefit of selling their children will not stop at eight shillings only. The parents will not have to pay for the growing expenses of their children after the first year. Moreover, the business of taverns will also shoot up as the poor people will have pennies in their hands.
Morally speaking, the scheme will result in an increase in marriages and maternal love for children. Domestic violence will also go down for the period of the time of pregnancy. There will be a competition among mothers to bring the healthiest child to the sale. Other types of beef will then be exported more and will bring money to the country. Inside the country, they will have to raise their standards in order to compete with the high-quality meat of the children. The author believes that the landlords in London will eat as much as the one-fifth of the total flesh procured in the whole country. After explaining the minute details of the proposal, the author preempts any type of objections that can be raised.
One such objection can be that the population of the country can be reduced very much in this manner. The author says that the reduction of the population is among the goals of the proposal as the population of Ireland is well above the limit. He says that this scheme was prepared for Ireland specifically and should not be applied in any other country. The author rejects the already existing plans for the prosperity of the country and calls them unrealistic and naive. He says that he has become tired of such unrealistic schemes in the past and is now excited about his current discovery. This plan, according to him, is highly practical and realistic. This scheme also has the advantage that there is no chance that it will anger England. Rather, England will be happy to import this delicacy from Ireland.
He says that there is a country that might be able to eat the Irish nation without preservatives. The author claims that no substitute plan can equal his plan even if they are similarly easy, innocent, and cheap. The reason is that his proposal considers two main issues that cannot be addressed by any other plan. The first issue it addresses is that of clothing and feeding one hundred thousand useless children. The second issue is the extreme level of poverty. The author says that Irish people are so poor that they would be happy to be able to be sold for food. The author says that this proposal is forwarded in the interest of the common people, and he seeks no benefit out of it. His own children have passed this age and can, therefore, not be sold. He just wants to advance the trade of the nation, relieve the unprivileged, provide for the kids, and give some pleasure to the landlords.
At the same time, he vents his disgust at the Irish people for not doing anything for themselves. It also mocks the cold and inhumane methods of problem-solving in the eighteenth century. At that time, people used to give solutions to the grievous problems of humanity on the basis of irrelevant statistics. In order to catch the attention of the audience and to convey his point, Swift makes his proposal sound barbarous without a tinge of human empathy. He talks of human slaughter and cooking like he is talking about cattle or poultry. He takes the path of utilitarianism and talks about solving the problem of poverty and overpopulation in an indifferent economic manner.
His proposal can benefit society at the cost of a few humans. Through this technique, he shows how irrelevant utilitarianism is to human problems. In this essay, Jonathan Swift uses the traditional system of rhetoric to organize his argument. In this system, the argument is presented in five steps. The first part of the argument introduces the subject and is called exordium. The second part of the argument narrates the ground facts and realities. This part is called the narratio. For preventing the uneducated inmates of the United States of America to stay uncivilized, unprepared and unbeneficial to our modern day society.
When you think of America, you think of one of the strongest nations of all time. It would bring great sadness to go walking down the streets in your very own city or […]. A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift How Swift uses satire to express his true feelings of the situation in Ireland Jonathan Swift, a well-known writer did many topics and used satire in his works to express his message. This was a technique he used to reach his audience and make sure the message reached the […]. Reverse Slavery In America Reverse Slavery is defined as the day when white people become slaves, or as some say the day justice is served.
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There is never a good time to be […]. In this day and age working adults and kids growing up in school have become more anxious these days. I have found that only a certain amount of kids are not afraid of interacting with other people. Most kids these days are becoming to have anxiety and social awkwardness. I propose that we as a […]. The art of confrontation can be handled in many different ways. Some may use a passive aggressive technique to make others know they are offended or something needs to change. Few people use a direct confrontation technique by approaching the person with the opposing view and having an outright dispute with them leaving nothing unsaid.
A Modest Proposal suggests to the Irish people that it would be beneficial for them to bear children and fatten them up to be sold to the English rulers so they can be favored in hopes of gaining more freedom and opportunities. Two authors with different focuses on Jonathan Swifts A Modest Proposal will aid […]. I think it will be of a proposal a person is giving to someone. I think that it will be satiric because if a proposal was modest, they wouldnt call it that, it would just be a proposal The poor people are people in Ireland and because of the lack of work for the men, the […]. It is bitter for me to think of those who sleep without a floor, but are thankful for the blanket they found on the side of the street, while others complain that the silk their butlers dressed their bed with is simply too inexpensive.
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