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Hiv essay paper

Hiv essay paper

Our services. Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Many people are uninformed of exactly how HIV is transmitted, but the most common route of transmission is through unprotected sexual intercourse. WebMd states that approximately 50, people get HIV every year in the United States and that these individuals include males and females of all ages, hiv essay paper, and sexual orientation. Anyone familiar with HIV research is aware of the high correlation between drug using populations and HIV infection, because addicts engage in practices like needle sharing and are more likely to engage in unprotected sex with unknown partners, hiv essay paper.

Response to Question One

The human immunodeficiency virus HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS is a global crisis and a leading development obstacle for many nations. There is no known cure for HIV and the cost and availability of antiretroviral therapy ART make treatment very expensive. The disease has affected millions of individuals and devastated several national economies and societies. Education has become an important component in efforts to stem the spread of this disease. This entry provides an overview of the epidemic and examines educational initiatives and their impact. HIV was first identified inbut epidemiologists have tracked blood samples containing the HIV back to the s. Several scholars designate the Great Lakes region of East Africa as the HIV epicenter, though others have argued that the epicenter also includes portions of Central Africa.

An accurate number of people hiv essay paper with and who have died from the disease is difficult to measure. In the late s and early s, the rate of disease reached epidemic levels in several global regions and, except in a few countries, continues to escalate. The AIDS Epidemic Update by UNAIDS and the World Health Organization WHO estimates that there are between The disease has created millions of AIDS orphans. With no respect to race, gender, or social class, the disease has wreaked havoc in many nations. Although HIV is a worldwide pandemic, there are vast disparities among geographic regions in the number of people living with HIV PLHIV. Hiv essay paper Africa, with about 11 percent of the total world population, accounts for 76 percent of hiv essay paper total female infections and roughly 87 percent of all infected children.

Oceania, with. Sub-Saharan Africa is thus overrepresented in terms of adults, children, and women infected with HIV and in the total number of deaths from AIDS. Because of its transmission and effects on the body, HIV and AIDS have predominantly been labeled a health-only issue, hiv essay paper. But this approach to the disease is too narrow. The multispectral response has been promoted hiv essay paper UNAIDS and other major multi and hiv essay paper development agencies and has been adapted from successful multisectoral models such as those of Uganda, Senegal, and the United States.

Governments and the international community have stressed inclusion, participation, and cooperation with nongovernmental organizations, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, hiv essay paper, and the private sector to increase the effectiveness, outreach, and reduce duplicate efforts by multiple actors in the HIV response. This multisectoral strategy brings together community members, health care providers, religious leaders, government agencies, the business community, hiv essay paper, and school personnel and administrators in a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS under one umbrella plan directed by the government and a coordinating council of stakeholders.

The education sector is an essential component of the multisectoral approach in countries that have hiv essay paper their HIV-seroprevalence rates. Education attainment is a potential predictor to poverty reduction and the overall health within a country. Further, some studies show a negative relationship between education and seroprevalence rates. Education is considered an essential means to influence knowledge and create behavior changes in youth. Formal education interventions include strategies based on abstinence, being faithful within a relationship, and condom use i, hiv essay paper. While schools are positioned as ideal settings for successful behavioral communication change BCCschools are hiv essay paper always the best avenue for disseminating life skills.

AIDS stigma is a leading impediment to AIDS education efforts, which in turn creates a major obstacle to effective prevention, treatment, and care of the disease. AIDS stigma is a social construct that can take on many different forms, causing victims to be rejected, isolated, blamed, or ashamed. Education efforts can help curb the negative and vicious cycle that inevitably results from AIDS stigma and help prevent children from dropping out of school, unnecessary marginalization, and increased suffering. In an effort to stem stigma and increase accurate knowledge about prevention and transmission, hiv essay paper, it is necessary that government leaders, school administrators, and teachers address AIDS stigma in schools.

Recent studies have shown an education effect on HIV infection rates, with better educated individuals having lower infection rates, more knowledge about HIV and AIDS, hiv essay paper, and greater acceptance of PLHIV. Inversely, HIV infection hiv essay paper impacts both the teaching workforce and student attendance. HIV infection and AIDS among teachers and administrators increases absenteeism from illness, reduces productivity, and eventually depletes the teaching workforce and knowledge base in several countries faster than it can be replaced.

HIV also impacts hiv essay paper learning, as students with infected family members are required to drop out of school to care for ill family members, take employment to compensate for lost income from ill caregivers, or care for younger siblings, hiv essay paper. In the face of escalating adversity, education is perhaps the most essential means for prevention of HIV and AIDS and ultimately overcoming the global pandemic. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our hiv essay paper services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in.

Essay Examples. Education Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time, hiv essay paper. FREE INQUIRY. ORDER NOW. Special offer! Promo code: cd1a Related Posts.

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Further, some studies show a negative relationship between education and seroprevalence rates. Education is considered an essential means to influence knowledge and create behavior changes in youth. Formal education interventions include strategies based on abstinence, being faithful within a relationship, and condom use i. While schools are positioned as ideal settings for successful behavioral communication change BCC , schools are not always the best avenue for disseminating life skills. AIDS stigma is a leading impediment to AIDS education efforts, which in turn creates a major obstacle to effective prevention, treatment, and care of the disease. AIDS stigma is a social construct that can take on many different forms, causing victims to be rejected, isolated, blamed, or ashamed.

Education efforts can help curb the negative and vicious cycle that inevitably results from AIDS stigma and help prevent children from dropping out of school, unnecessary marginalization, and increased suffering. In an effort to stem stigma and increase accurate knowledge about prevention and transmission, it is necessary that government leaders, school administrators, and teachers address AIDS stigma in schools. Recent studies have shown an education effect on HIV infection rates, with better educated individuals having lower infection rates, more knowledge about HIV and AIDS, and greater acceptance of PLHIV. Inversely, HIV infection negatively impacts both the teaching workforce and student attendance.

HIV infection and AIDS among teachers and administrators increases absenteeism from illness, reduces productivity, and eventually depletes the teaching workforce and knowledge base in several countries faster than it can be replaced. HIV also impacts student learning, as students with infected family members are required to drop out of school to care for ill family members, take employment to compensate for lost income from ill caregivers, or care for younger siblings. In the face of escalating adversity, education is perhaps the most essential means for prevention of HIV and AIDS and ultimately overcoming the global pandemic.

If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. Essay Examples. Education Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time. FREE INQUIRY. ORDER NOW. Special offer! Promo code: cd1a Related Posts. It is characterized by a short period of flu-like symptoms followed by a long period of little to no symptoms. Description - cause: HIV is transmitted from one person to. It affects the immune system and the body loses its ability to fight diseases.

It is mainly transferred by sexual contact. However, it can also be transmitted by contact with body fluid like blood, breast milk and so on CDC, HIV is one of the global public health issues that have taken millions of lives till date. HIV, better known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, has been around for many years. It seeks and destroys cells within the body. HIV is like many other viruses, such as, the flu or the common cold. However, over time those viruses can be cleared out of your body, but HIV is nothing like that; the human immune system cannot get rid of it. The virus gets very strong over time and begin to kill certain cells, such as, your T-cells.

Over time, HIV can destroy so many cells that your body will not be able. HIV Many eyebrows raised late in , when the then unkown HIV virus raised its ugly head. About the same time in Los Angeles, several cases of the rare infection, Pneumocytis cariini pneumonia were being treated. Incidences of these strange diseases and infections were sky-rocketting around the country. The disease was effecting mostly young gay men in their 30's. There was no official name for. Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as HIV, is a virus that attacks the immune system. It invades our T cells and then makes more copies of itself. It then destroys them and our immune system can no longer fight of other infections or diseases, which can lead to AIDS.

There are three major routes it is transferred by. The first route is sexual intercourse through the vaginal, rectal, or penile tissues. The second route is a direct injection with HIV-contaminated drugs, needles, syringes, blood. HIV Like the majority of the American population I have lived in a cloud of ignorance about the HIV and AIDS crisis. I have never know anyone close to me that has been infected with either of the two viruses. So when the option to research something to do with sexuality arouse I felt this would definitely further my education about a lethal killer that is roaming this earth.

Since I knew next to nothing about this topic I will start from the begging of the disease and discuss where it's at now. Surapagdee, Grimes, study p It is interesting appealing to the public about the new awareness that has occurred organized online to support HIV method of prevention. The participants are HIV negative. However, may have contact with HIV positive person. The person chosen in that research was targeted at person with good computer.

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