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Gay rights movement essay

Gay rights movement essay

This is a huge step in the right direction for the LGBT community. Homosexuality has not always been as black gay rights movement essay white as it is today. This action sparked controversy and conversation over whether the president was homophobic. Nearly people died across Latin America from anti-LGBT violence between January and Marchaccording to a report by the IACHR. A study by JAMA Pediatrics concluded that sexual minority youth were 3. Psychologists emphasize that what really matters is love inside a family, not the gender of parents. This act prompted three days of rioting in the area called the Stonewall Riots, gay rights movement essay, including the appearance of numerous gay power signs.

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The history of the gay rights movement goes as far back as the late 19th century. More accurately, the quest by gays to search out others like themselves and foster a feeling of identity has been around since then. It is an gay rights movement essay movement that seeks to change existing norms and gain acceptance within our culture. Byone gay person said that the gay world was a community, distinctly organized Milestonesbut kept mostly out of view because of social hostility. According to the Milestones article, after Gay rights movement essay War II, aroundmany cities saw their first gay bars open as many homosexuals began to start a networking system.

The lead taken by the federal government encouraged local police forces to harass gay citizens. Vice officers regularly raided gay bars, sometimes arresting dozens of men and women on a single night Milestones. In spite of the adversity, out of the s also came the first organized groups of gays, gay rights movement essay, including leaders. The movement was small at first, but grew exponentially in short periods of time. Spurred on by the civil rights movement in the s, the homophile Milestones movement took on more visibility, picketing government agencies and discriminatory policies. Byaround 50 gay organizations existed in the United States. The most crucial moment in blowing the gay rights movement wide open was on the evening of July 27,when a group of police raided a gay bar in New York City.

This act prompted three days of rioting in the area called the Stonewall Riots, including the appearance of numerous gay power signs, gay rights movement essay. Almost overnight, a massive movement had begun, with participants enthusiastically joining in, gay rights movement essay. Bythere were almost eight hundred gay and lesbian organizations in the United States; bythe number was several thousand. By5, gay men and lesbians marched in New York City to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots; in Octoberovermarched in Washington, to demand equality Milestones. Over the next two decades, half the states decriminalized homosexual behavior, gay rights movement essay, and police harassment grew less frequent and obvious to the public. Also init became legal for gays to hold federal jobs.

However all this headway also made room for more opposition. Ingay rights movement essay, Anita Bryant was so successful at obtaining a repeal of a recent gay ordinance in her home state of Florida that bya league of anti gay clubs had come together to make a force, led in part by Jesse Helms. The AIDS scare that began in the eighties did not help the gay image either, but more citizens joined their gay rights movement essay in order to combat the oppression and fund a search for the cure, so in the end it actually made the movement stronger. According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopediabythe anti-sodomy laws of 32 states had been repealed, and in Vermont granted its gay gay rights movement essay the right to same sex marriages. Gay rights has come a long way as a social movement, and though it still has a long way to go, it makes a good topic to analyze the process of the social movement.

The establishment that the social movement fights against in this case is the predisposed beliefs of American people, and a way of life that has been unchanged for a long time. There are of course establishments with anti-gay agendas, but the real challenge for the gays in finding acceptance has always been convincing people that they are human too. The standard belief that most Americans have had throughout history is that being gay is not only immoral, but also not normal, and sac religious Olinger. Many people believe that being gay is a disease and should be treated, while others believe it is just sin, and that they should be punished.

There is no one establishment in this situation, but only a large group of American citizens who do not understand the issue they are being faced with. However, the goal of the gay rights movement gay rights movement essay very clear. They want equality, much in the same way that African Americans and women have wanted it in the past. Many gays rights organizations have applied for the legality of same sex marriages in all fifty states. Also, their fight is about protection from laws that once held them down. They want to be protected by the police, gay rights movement essay, not harassed by them. In the end, gay rights movement essay, the ideology of the gay rights movement is much like that of any civil rights movement. They believe that they are equal and deserve to be treated as such, regardless of sexual orientation.

The agitators in the gay rights movement oppose the current system laterally, in that they want to completely change the existing value system. Leaders in the gay rights movement have issued several tactics in which they wish to gain acceptance in the general public, to be seen as normal. Olinger Gay rights movement essay thing that they do is try and deemphasize actual gay behavior in public, and try and get others to see them as normal people first, not gay, which would automatically separate them. This is known as the plain folks tactic. This is gay rights movement essay because for people to listen to a persuasive message, they must feel as if they can relate to the message, and they cannot do gay rights movement essay if cannot relate to the person relaying that message.

Another tactic used is a sort of name-calling. Gay rights activists refer to those who oppose them as homophobes, a term which implies an irrational fear of some sort, or ignorance. This in turn makes opponents of gay rights irrational, and therefore their opinions do not merit attention. The truth or relative value of arguments is thereby completely sidestepped, and the issue becomes one of emotion: the winner is the one who gay rights movement essay the most noise Olinger. A third strategy used by activists is liking. Gay rights activists consistently use well known gay celebrities to deliver a message in hopes that their popularity will lead to a more wide spread acceptance of the message.

Take, for example, Ellen Degeneres, on her TV show Ellen. Many of her shows discussed her sexual orientation in hopes that talking about it openly, as well as using her as the source of the message would bring the public to greater awareness. Also, artists like Melissa Etheridge and the Indigo Girls play concerts for Gay Gay rights movement essay Activism yearly. One strategy used by the Establishment is the authority approach, using the Bible as the main authority on the way we live our lives. They maintain that the Bible states that it is a sin to be gay and that God does not condone it, so therefore neither should we.

Another tactic employed by the establishment is name calling. By referring to homosexuals as fags or miscreants or sinners, people join the two terms until they are thought of as one. The negative connotation these words gay rights movement essay is designed to turn people off from gay culture, gay rights movement essay. A third practice that the establishment employs is the theory of consistency. The beliefs we carry throughout our lives are in large part handed down to us from our parents and theirs, and our beliefs will in large part be transferred to our children. To change would require too large a leap from our original anchor points or beliefs, so we assume that it is not correct, and continue believing the way we did before. The Gay Rights Movement has brought the idea and acceptance of homosexuals in American Culture a very long way in the last thirty years or so.

However, those who accept homosexuality or those who encourage it gay rights movement essay still the minority in comparison, and so, there is a long way to go still before homosexuality is considered completely normal and gays are treated just like everyone else. The great uprising of people has already come and gone, and now the movement is in the maintenance stage, where it does not get much media attention anymore. That could be the best way to go for the Movement though, as their goal all along has been to blend in and be treated like everyone else. Save my name, email, gay rights movement essay, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Menu Study Resources Essays Essay Outlines Essay Topics Lectures Assignments Research Papers Literature Study Guides Subjects Science Biology Microbiology Math History Homework Help Blog Donate a paper.

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Just like how no one made the conscious decision to be gay or straight. People just know that they are a certain way. I knew I was different when I was 9 and I have never been interested in girls. He never made the conscious decision to be gay as many people think gay people do. According to LGBT Demographics of the United States, there were , same-sex households and , in Within ten years, there was an 8. Out of the 9,, people that identify as being part of the LGBT community, This is not only about marriage; gay people get denied basic needs such as housing, health care, and education.

The divorce rate has been climbing higher and higher since the late 's as the women's movement was taking place. Couples are not tested for quality of their marriage before they stand at the alter and this is why so many marriages do not last more than three years. People meet each other the night they get married and they are not denied the right to say, "I do". But same-sex couples that have been loyal to each other for years on years do not get the right to share their lives together. People who have already shattered it are taking the right of marriage away from the same-sex couples. Senator Diane Savino explains this very well when she says, "I know many people are concerned about the destruction of the sanctity of marriage as well and they view this as a threat.

But let me as you something ladies and gentleman, what are we really protecting when you look at the divorce rate in our society? Marriage is a lifelong promise between two people who love each other and want to share everything with each other. An underlying premise in the argument for LGBT rights is the idea of forced acceptance. Individuals who are against giving the LGBT community the same rights as the rest of the public do not want to be forced into accepting something they do not want to. People fear that they have to acknowledge gay citizens as they are and that they are required to believe what the LGBT community believes in.

Jonathan Walder, an antitrust attorney in New York, puts this into perspective when he says, "This debate is not about gay marriage or legal marriage rights. It's about forced acceptance, and the use of the power of the state to suppress and silence dissenters" Gay Marriage Certain Nationwide, N. Just because someone has the same rights as another person, it does not mean that they have to believe in the same things as each other. The only people who are really being pushed into accepting something are the LGBT community. They will not be able to get married in a place of their choosing because it is not legal, they cannot live where they want because they were denied housing, and transgendered people cannot get healthcare because of who they want to be and they have to come to terms with that because people cannot recognize that there are gay people in this world.

We want to begin with the fact that discrimination in any form is already wrong. Discrimination on a sexual basis is even a more difficult issue as it deals with personal affairs of people, something that we do not speak openly about. However, ignoring the problem will only aggravate the situation, which, according to statistics, is already unpleasant. They are too afraid of speaking about themselves, fearing that words and actions will only make the situations worse. Further statistics are unsatisfactory, too. Traditional families are unwilling to accept teenagers with an unconventional sexual orientation. The figures indicate that in our society a persistent violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights invoked by the United Nations General Assembly has become a norm. But the first thing people should understand is that LGBT representatives have not chosen such a lifestyle.

It was in their nature, something that none of us can manage at will. Straight people seem to have other arguments, which we will present below in our gay rights essay. The first argument that often comes to mind is that a marriage must be about procreation , while gays are unable to give birth to children. This statements becomes a feeble reason once we realize that marriage between infertile couples are still acceptable and do not evoke any prejudice. Here comes another argument, which is closely related to the first one: same sex couples create an unfavorable environment for bringing up children.

In other words, an adopted kid or that of one person in a gay marriage will not get proper moral education is such a family. Here LGBT opponents fail to mention that statistics show no difference between children from straight and same sex families. Psychologists emphasize that what really matters is love inside a family, not the gender of parents. Another argument for your possible gay rights argumentative essay can be that gay marriages may lead to the decrease in morals and give way to other inappropriate sexual behavior: incest, polygamy, bestial marriage and so on.

A counterargument would be that all the listed examples present a personal choice, while LGBT people deal with a force stronger than their will. In later years, the Great Depression followed by the Korean and Vietnam wars struck the country. Many people who were forced to serve in the army tried to avoid the military service. Some of them achieved this goal by means of changing the orientation as there used to be a law prohibiting gays to serve in the army. In later years, gays started to struggle for their rights. Not all attempts proved to be successful, but today gays and lesbians do have certain rights as their status in the world society has changed. Gay movement can be considered an organization aimed at fighting for the rights of gays and lesbians.

It is responsible for conducting massive acts of protest against the discrimination of gays and lesbians, seeking financial support and recruiting supporters. In fact, the issue of the rights of homosexuals is quite controversial. There are both supporters and opponents of the issue of granting rights to homosexuals. Those who are in favor of gay rights claim that this category of people should be given more freedom. For instance, they consider that it is quite appropriate to conduct gay parades, and today such festivals are carried out in many countries of the world.

It proves that gays and lesbians have been given a number of rights and freedoms. But the question of whether it is appropriate to grant homosexuals certain rights is still under discussion.

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